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الصَّمَدُٱلصَّمَدُl-ṣamaduthe Eternal the Absoluteاللَّهُٱللَّهُal-lahuAllah
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الٓمٓصٓalif-lam-meem-sadAlif Laam Meem Saad١
alif-lam-meem-sad — Transliteration
Alif-Lam-Mim-Sad. [These letters are one of the miracles of the Quran and none but Allah (Alone) knows their meanings — English - Hilali & Khan
كِتَٰبٌkitabun(This is) a Bookأُنزِلَunzilarevealedإِلَيۡكَilaykato youفَلَاfalaso (let) notيَكُنyakunbeفِيfiinصَدۡرِكَsadrikayour breastحَرَجٞharajunany uneasinessمِّنۡهُmin'hufrom itلِتُنذِرَlitundhirathat you warnبِهِۦbihiwith itوَذِكۡرَىٰwadhik'raand a reminderلِلۡمُؤۡمِنِينَlil'mu'mininafor the believers٢
kitabun unzila ilayka fala yakun fi sadrika harajun min'hu litundhira bihi wadhik'ra lil'mu'minina — Transliteration
(This is the) Book (the Quran) sent down unto you (O Muhammad SAW), so let not your breast be narrow therefrom, that you warn thereby, and a reminder unto the believers — English - Hilali & Khan
ittabi'u ma unzila ilaykum min rabbikum wala tattabi'u min dunihi awliyaa qalilan ma tadhakkaruna — Transliteration
Say (O Muhammad SAW) to these idolaters (pagan Arabs) of your folk:] Follow what has been sent down unto you from your Lord (the Quran and Prophet Muhammad's Sunnah), and follow not any Auliya' (protectors and helpers, etc. who order you to associate partners in worship with Allah), besides Him (Allah). Little do you remember — English - Hilali & Khan
وَكَمwakamAnd how manyمِّنminofقَرۡيَةٍqaryatina cityأَهۡلَكۡنَٰهَاahlaknahaWe destroyed itفَجَآءَهَاfajaahaand came to itبَأۡسُنَاbasunaOur punishmentبَيَٰتًاbayatan(at) nightأَوۡaworهُمۡhum(while) theyقَآئِلُونَqailunawere sleeping at noon٤
wakam min qaryatin ahlaknaha fajaaha basuna bayatan aw hum qailuna — Transliteration
And a great number of towns (their population) We destroyed (for their crimes). Our torment came upon them (suddenly) by night or while they were sleeping for their afternoon rest — English - Hilali & Khan
فَمَاfamaThen notكَانَkanawasدَعۡوَىٰهُمۡda'wahumtheir pleaإِذۡidhwhenجَآءَهُمjaahumcame to themبَأۡسُنَآbasunaOur punishmentإِلَّآillaexceptأَنanthatقَالُوٓاْqaluthey saidإِنَّاinnaIndeed weكُنَّاkunnawereظَٰلِمِينَzaliminawrongdoers٥
fama kana da'wahum idh jaahum basuna illa an qalu inna kunna zalimina — Transliteration
No cry did they utter when Our Torment came upon them but this: "Verily, we were Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers, etc) — English - Hilali & Khan
فَلَنَسۡـَٔلَنَّfalanasalannaThen surely We will questionٱلَّذِينَalladhinathose (to) whomأُرۡسِلَur'silawere sentإِلَيۡهِمۡilayhimto them (Messengers)وَلَنَسۡـَٔلَنَّwalanasalannaand surely We will questionٱلۡمُرۡسَلِينَal-mur'salinathe Messengers٦
Then surely, We shall question those (people) to whom it (the Book) was sent and verily, We shall question the Messengers — English - Hilali & Khan
فَلَنَقُصَّنَّfalanaqussannaThen surely We will narrateعَلَيۡهِمalayhimto themبِعِلۡمٖۖbi'il'minwith knowledgeوَمَاwamaand notكُنَّاkunnawere Weغَآئِبِينَghaibinaabsent٧
falanaqussanna alayhim bi'il'min wama kunna ghaibina — Transliteration
Then surely, We shall narrate unto them (their whole story) with knowledge, and indeed We were not absent — English - Hilali & Khan
وَٱلۡوَزۡنُwal-waznuAnd the weighingيَوۡمَئِذٍyawma-idhinthat dayٱلۡحَقُّۚal-haqu(will be) the truthفَمَنfamanSo whose ثَقُلَتۡthaqulat(will be) heavyمَوَٰزِينُهُۥmawazinuhuhis scalesفَأُوْلَٰٓئِكَfa-ulaikathen thoseهُمُhumu[they]ٱلۡمُفۡلِحُونَal-muf'lihuna(will be) the successful ones٨
And the weighing on that day (Day of Resurrection) will be the true (weighing). So as for those whose scale (of good deeds) will be heavy, they will be the successful (by entering Paradise) — English - Hilali & Khan
And as for those whose scale will be light, they are those who will lose their ownselves (by entering Hell) because they denied and rejected Our Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc) — English - Hilali & Khan
وَلَقَدۡwalaqadAnd certainlyمَكَّنَّٰكُمۡmakkannakumWe established youفِيfiinٱلۡأَرۡضِal-ardithe earthوَجَعَلۡنَاwaja'alnaand We madeلَكُمۡlakumfor youفِيهَاfihain itمَعَٰيِشَۗma'ayishalivelihoodقَلِيلٗاqalilanLittleمَّاma(is) whatتَشۡكُرُونَtashkurunayou (are) grateful١٠
walaqad makkannakum fi al-ardi waja'alna lakum fiha ma'ayisha qalilan ma tashkuruna — Transliteration
And surely, We gave you authority on the earth and appointed for you therein provisions (for your life). Little thanks do you give — English - Hilali & Khan