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الصَّمَدُٱلصَّمَدُl-ṣamaduthe Eternal the Absoluteاللَّهُٱللَّهُal-lahuAllah
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PAGE 428
ٱلۡحَمۡدُal-hamduAll praisesلِلَّهِlillahi(be) to Allahٱلَّذِيalladhithe One to Whom belongsلَهُۥlahuthe One to Whom belongsمَاmawhateverفِيfi(is) inٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِal-samawatithe heavensوَمَاwamaand whateverفِيfi(is) inٱلۡأَرۡضِal-ardithe earthوَلَهُwalahuand for Himٱلۡحَمۡدُal-hamdu(are) all praisesفِيfiinٱلۡأٓخِرَةِۚal-akhiratithe HereafterوَهُوَwahuwaAnd Heٱلۡحَكِيمُal-hakimu(is) the AllWiseٱلۡخَبِيرُal-khabiruthe AllAware١
al-hamdu lillahi alladhi lahu ma fi al-samawati wama fi al-ardi walahu al-hamdu fi al-akhirati wahuwa al-hakimu al-khabiru — Transliteration
All the praises and thanks be to Allah, to Whom belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth. His is all the praises and thanks in the Hereafter, and He is the AllWise, the AllAware — English - Hilali & Khan
يَعۡلَمُya'lamuHe knowsمَاmawhatيَلِجُyalijupenetratesفِيfiinٱلۡأَرۡضِal-ardithe earthوَمَاwamaand whatيَخۡرُجُyakhrujucomes outمِنۡهَاmin'hafrom itوَمَاwamaand whatيَنزِلُyanziludescendsمِنَminafromٱلسَّمَآءِal-samaithe heavenوَمَاwamaand whatيَعۡرُجُya'rujuascendsفِيهَاۚfihathereinوَهُوَwahuwaAnd Heٱلرَّحِيمُal-rahimu(is) the Most Mercifulٱلۡغَفُورُal-ghafuruthe OftForgiving٢
ya'lamu ma yaliju fi al-ardi wama yakhruju min'ha wama yanzilu mina al-samai wama ya'ruju fiha wahuwa al-rahimu al-ghafuru — Transliteration
He knows that which goes into the earth and that which comes forth from it, and that which descend from the heaven and that which ascends to it. And He is the Most Merciful, the OftForgiving — English - Hilali & Khan
وَقَالَwaqalaBut sayٱلَّذِينَalladhinathose whoكَفَرُواْkafarudisbelieveلَاlaNotتَأۡتِينَاtatinawill come to usٱلسَّاعَةُۖal-sa'atuthe HourقُلۡqulSayبَلَىٰbalaNayوَرَبِّيwarabbiby my Lordلَتَأۡتِيَنَّكُمۡlatatiyannakumsurely it will come to youعَٰلِمِalimi(He is the) Knowerٱلۡغَيۡبِۖal-ghaybi(of) the unseenلَاlaNotيَعۡزُبُya'zubuescapesعَنۡهُanhufrom Himمِثۡقَالُmith'qalu(the) weightذَرَّةٖdharratin(of) an atomفِيfiinٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِal-samawatithe heavensوَلَاwalaand notفِيfiinٱلۡأَرۡضِal-ardithe earthوَلَآwalaand notأَصۡغَرُasgharusmallerمِنminthanذَٰلِكَdhalikathatوَلَآwalaand notأَكۡبَرُakbarugreaterإِلَّاillabutفِيfi(is) inكِتَٰبٖkitabina RecordمُّبِينٖmubininClear٣
waqala alladhina kafaru la tatina al-sa'atu qul bala warabbi latatiyannakum alimi al-ghaybi la ya'zubu anhu mith'qalu dharratin fi al-samawati wala fi al-ardi wala asgharu min dhalika wala akbaru illa fi kitabin mubinin — Transliteration
Those who disbelieve say: "The Hour will not come to us." Say: "Yes, by my Lord, it will come to you." (Allah, He is) the AllKnower of the unseen, not even the weight of an atom (or a small ant) or less than that or greater, escapes from His Knowledge in the heavens or in the earth, but it is in a Clear Book (AlLauh AlMahfuz) — English - Hilali & Khan
لِّيَجۡزِيَliyajziyaThat He may rewardٱلَّذِينَalladhinathose whoءَامَنُواْamanubelieveوَعَمِلُواْwa'amiluand doٱلصَّٰلِحَٰتِۚal-salihatirighteous deedsأُوْلَٰٓئِكَulaikaThose لَهُمlahumfor themمَّغۡفِرَةٞmaghfiratun(will be) forgivenessوَرِزۡقٞwariz'qunand a provisionكَرِيمٞkarimunnoble٤
That He may recompense those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah Islamic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds. Those, theirs is forgiveness and Rizqun Karim (generous provision, i.e. Paradise) — English - Hilali & Khan
وَٱلَّذِينَwa-alladhinaBut those whoسَعَوۡsa'awstriveفِيٓfiagainstءَايَٰتِنَاayatinaOur Versesمُعَٰجِزِينَmu'ajizina(to) cause failure أُوْلَٰٓئِكَulaikathose لَهُمۡlahumfor themعَذَابٞadhabun(is) a punishmentمِّنminofرِّجۡزٍrij'zinfoul natureأَلِيمٞalimunpainful٥
wa-alladhina sa'aw fi ayatina mu'ajizina ulaika lahum adhabun min rij'zin alimun — Transliteration
But those who strive against Our Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) to frustrate them, those, for them will be a severe painful torment — English - Hilali & Khan
وَيَرَىwayaraAnd seeٱلَّذِينَalladhinathose whoأُوتُواْutuhave been givenٱلۡعِلۡمَal-'il'mathe knowledgeٱلَّذِيٓalladhi(that) whatأُنزِلَunzilais revealedإِلَيۡكَilaykato youمِنminfromرَّبِّكَrabbikayour Lordهُوَhuwa[it]ٱلۡحَقَّal-haqa(is) the Truthوَيَهۡدِيٓwayahdiand it guidesإِلَىٰilatoصِرَٰطِsirati(the) Pathٱلۡعَزِيزِal-'azizi(of) the AllMightyٱلۡحَمِيدِal-hamidithe Praiseworthy٦
wayara alladhina utu al-'il'ma alladhi unzila ilayka min rabbika huwa al-haqa wayahdi ila sirati al-'azizi al-hamidi — Transliteration
And those who have been given knowledge see that what is revealed to you (O Muhammad SAW) from your Lord is the truth, and guides to the Path of the Exalted in Might, Owner of all praise — English - Hilali & Khan
وَقَالَwaqalaBut sayٱلَّذِينَalladhinathose whoكَفَرُواْkafarudisbelieveهَلۡhalShallنَدُلُّكُمۡnadullukumwe direct youعَلَىٰalatoرَجُلٖrajulina manيُنَبِّئُكُمۡyunabbi-ukumwho informs youإِذَاidhawhenمُزِّقۡتُمۡmuzziq'tumyou have disintegratedكُلَّkulla(in) totalمُمَزَّقٍmumazzaqindisintegrationإِنَّكُمۡinnakumindeed youلَفِيlafisurely (will be) inخَلۡقٖkhalqina creationجَدِيدٍjadidinnew?٧
waqala alladhina kafaru hal nadullukum ala rajulin yunabbi-ukum idha muzziq'tum kulla mumazzaqin innakum lafi khalqin jadidin — Transliteration
Those who disbelieve say: "Shall we direct you to a man (Muhammad SAW) who will tell you (that) when you have become fully disintegrated into dust with full dispersion, then, you will be created (again) anew — English - Hilali & Khan
PAGE 429
أَفۡتَرَىٰaftaraHas he inventedعَلَىalaaboutٱللَّهِal-lahiAllahكَذِبًاkadhibana lieأَمamorبِهِۦbihiin himجِنَّةُۢۗjinnatun(is) madness?بَلِbaliNayٱلَّذِينَalladhinathose whoلَاla(do) notيُؤۡمِنُونَyu'minunabelieveبِٱلۡأٓخِرَةِbil-akhiratiin the Hereafterفِيfi(will be) inٱلۡعَذَابِal-'adhabithe punishmentوَٱلضَّلَٰلِwal-dalaliand errorٱلۡبَعِيدِal-ba'idifar٨
aftara ala al-lahi kadhiban am bihi jinnatun bali alladhina la yu'minuna bil-akhirati fi al-'adhabi wal-dalali al-ba'idi — Transliteration
Has he (Muhammad SAW) invented a lie against Allah, or is there a madness in him? Nay, but those who disbelieve in the Hereafter are (themselves) in a torment, and in far error — English - Hilali & Khan
أَفَلَمۡafalamThen do notيَرَوۡاْyarawthey seeإِلَىٰilatowardsمَاmawhatبَيۡنَbayna(is) before themأَيۡدِيهِمۡaydihim(is) before themوَمَاwamaand whatخَلۡفَهُمkhalfahum(is) behind themمِّنَminaofٱلسَّمَآءِal-samaithe heavenوَٱلۡأَرۡضِۚwal-ardiand the earth?إِنinIfنَّشَأۡnashaWe willنَخۡسِفۡnakhsifWe (could) cause to swallow themبِهِمُbihimuWe (could) cause to swallow themٱلۡأَرۡضَal-ardathe earthأَوۡaworنُسۡقِطۡnus'qitcause to fallعَلَيۡهِمۡalayhimupon themكِسَفٗاkisafanfragmentsمِّنَminafromٱلسَّمَآءِۚal-samaithe skyإِنَّinnaIndeedفِيfiinذَٰلِكَdhalikathatلَأٓيَةٗlaayatansurely is a Signلِّكُلِّlikullifor everyعَبۡدٖabdinslaveمُّنِيبٖmunibinwho turns (to Allah)٩
afalam yaraw ila ma bayna aydihim wama khalfahum mina al-samai wal-ardi in nasha nakhsif bihimu al-arda aw nus'qit alayhim kisafan mina al-samai inna fi dhalika laayatan likulli abdin munibin — Transliteration
See they not what is before them and what is behind them, of the heaven and the earth? If We will, We shall sink the earth with them, or cause a piece of the heaven to fall upon them. Verily, in this is a sign for every faithful believer that [believes in the Oneness of Allah], and turns to Allah (in all affairs with humility and in repentance) — English - Hilali & Khan
۞وَلَقَدۡwalaqadAnd certainlyءَاتَيۡنَاataynaWe gaveدَاوُۥدَdawudaDawoodمِنَّاminnafrom UsفَضۡلٗاۖfadlanBountyيَٰجِبَالُyajibaluO mountains!أَوِّبِيawwibiRepeat praisesمَعَهُۥma'ahuwith himوَٱلطَّيۡرَۖwal-tayraand the birdsوَأَلَنَّاwa-alannaAnd We made pliableلَهُlahufor himٱلۡحَدِيدَal-hadida[the] iron١٠
And indeed We bestowed grace on David from Us (saying): "O you mountains. Glorify (Allah) with him! And you birds (also)! And We made the iron soft for him — English - Hilali & Khan