أَلَمۡ alam Have not تَرَ tara you seen كَيۡفَ kayfa how فَعَلَ fa'ala dealt رَبُّكَ rabbuka your Lord بِأَصۡحَٰبِ bi-ashabi with (the) Companions ٱلۡفِيلِ al-fili (of the) Elephant? ١
alam tara kayfa fa'ala rabbuka bi-ashabi al-fili
— Transliteration
Have you (O Muhammad (Peace be upon him)) not seen how your Lord dealt with the Owners of the Elephant? [The elephant army which came from Yemen under the command of Abrahah Al-Ashram intending to destroy the Ka'bah at Makkah]
— English - Hilali & Khan
أَلَمۡ alam Did not يَجۡعَلۡ yaj'al He make كَيۡدَهُمۡ kaydahum their plan فِي fi go تَضۡلِيلٖ tadlilin astray? ٢
alam yaj'al kaydahum fi tadlilin
— Transliteration
Did He not make their plot go astray
— English - Hilali & Khan
وَأَرۡسَلَ wa-arsala And He sent عَلَيۡهِمۡ alayhim against them طَيۡرًا tayran birds أَبَابِيلَ ababila (in) flocks ٣
wa-arsala alayhim tayran ababila
— Transliteration
And sent against them birds, in flocks
— English - Hilali & Khan
تَرۡمِيهِم tarmihim Striking them بِحِجَارَةٖ bihijaratin with stones مِّن min of سِجِّيلٖ sijjilin baked clay ٤
tarmihim bihijaratin min sijjilin
— Transliteration
Striking them with stones of Sijjil
— English - Hilali & Khan
فَجَعَلَهُمۡ faja'alahum Then He made them كَعَصۡفٖ ka'asfin like straw مَّأۡكُولِۭ makulin eaten up ٥
faja'alahum ka'asfin makulin
— Transliteration
And made them like an empty field of stalks (of which the corn has been eaten up by cattle)
— English - Hilali & Khan
Al Fil (The Elephant)